Did You Know....
Although the Malawi government recognizes the connection between the important foundation which early childhood education provides, and the degree of accomplishment students will achieve in their education later on, it does not provide financial support to establish and run these programs.
Instead, they encourage the communities to independently set up local pre-schools, but without any authoritative support.
As a result, pre-schools are often set up without any funds or supplies, in unsuitable buildings (some of which are potentially unsafe for children), and on a volunteer basis where educators mostly work free of charge.
Unfortunately, some of these pre-schools are prone to becoming unsustainable, leaving many children without access to that important foundation.

BFM Village Schools
Located in Chinkhotankhwazi Village
Built by Blazing Faith Ministries
in partnership with the local villagers
Our objective is to FULLY support our schools, providing FREE education to the village children, giving them equal opportunity to build a learning foundation
Established in 2013
Provides basic English, reading, writing and mathematical skills
Current total enrollment is 170 children (they don't attend all at once on a given day)
Employs 1 FT pre-school teacher, and 1 FT teacher's aide
combined teacher salaries = $209/month
school supplies = $41/month
The building also serves as the village church on Sundays, and a town hall for Village Council meetings
Grade 1-2 Classrooms & amenities
Construction project: 2019 - present
being set up in accordance with Malawi District Education Division requirements
Classroom building and student toilet structures are completed​
Teacher's house - in progress
Grade 1-2 teacher will be provided and compensated by the Malawi Ministry of Education
We currently have 80 students waiting to be registered for Grades 1-2.
Malawi District Education Division will approve the opening of this school and provide a teacher when the desks are acquired and the Teacher's house is completed.
Cost per student to reach school opening = $112.24
Your donation, together with those of our other supporters, brings us ever closer to our goals.

Teacher's house building cost = $6150
Provision of a Teacher's house in a rural setting is an attractive offer when looking to secure and retain a quality educator. As teacher salaries in Malawi are meager, teachers who live in town are open to moving to a rural area where accommodations are provided as it helps to save on rental and transportation costs.